About Us
Founded in 2002, Englewood Arts (E-Arts) is a community resource dedicated to enriching the lives of children and adults through art education, performance, and partnerships — providing metro area residents, students and visiting artists the opportunity to discover, develop, and share creative talents and abilities.
Englewood Arts initiated a music performance series presenting top artists and performers from the Denver area. The series, in large part, features musicians from the Colorado Symphony Orchestra (CSO). Held in Hampden Hall, concerts have expanded in variety to include dance and various musical genres.
Hampden Hall
Englewood Civic Center
1000 Englewood Pkwy, 2nd Floor
Englewood, CO 80110
Music of the Masters performances are held in Hampden Hall at Englewood Civic Center. Billed as “the most versatile arts space in the south metro area,” Hampden Hall is a cultural arts facility that accommodates up to 200 concertgoers, with clear views of the stage from every seat and fine acoustics. Events that have been held at Hampden Hall include chamber music concerts, theatre productions, worship services, business meetings, Town Hall meetings, pop band concerts, political debates, and nonprofit organization events.
Parking is free. When entering from West Hampden Avenue at Jason Street, patrons can walk directly into the facility, with easy handicap accessibility.
Renting Hampden Hall
The performance space is available for rent to other agencies and organizations. Call 303.806.8196 for rental rates and scheduling details.
Hampden Hall is the result of a partnership between the City of Englewood and Englewood Arts, a local nonprofit arts association. Englewood Arts manages the space.

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